Sean Soon Kwang

Upon obtaining his Bachelor of Dental Surgery with the National University of Singapore in 2005, Dr Seah joined the Health Promotion Board, attending to young patients at secondary school. During his time there, he picked up the techniques and skills to communicate and attend to young patients. 2 years later, he was posted to SAFTI and Tengah Airbase as a dental officer where he had the opportunity to hone his skills in complex dental treatments and oral surgery.

Being one of the longest-serving dentists here at Greenlife Dental Clinic (Yew Tee Branch), Dr Seah is a familiar face to many of our patients. His dedication to his patients and job can be seen from the long list of patients coming back to him. His favourite quote, “The rainbow will come after the rain”, reflects his determination to tackle any uncomfortable situation and to endure hard times.

Dentistry beyond the clinics
Dr Seah has been to remote mountainous parts of India to provide free dental treatments to the villagers.

Getting to know our Dentist

Life after graduation
After completing my bond with the government, I have been working at Greenlife Dental Clinic till today. Along the way after graduation, I got married and am now a dad of two kids. I am still learning every day to become a better dad and husband, with the goal to graduate with a Bachelor of Best Daddy and Bachelor of Best Hubby.

What is one advice you want to give to patients?
Prevention is always better than cure.

Why did you choose dentistry?
I like to do intricate hands-on craft which is just like practising dentistry where we have to work on the teeth which are so small and in the confines of the oral cavity. I was also inspired by my braces doctor when I had orthodontic treatment when I was 15yrs old.

“The rainbow will come after the rain.”

What do you enjoy doing on non-working days?
When I am not working, I like to drive around Singapore to see spots that are uncommon and have fallen off the radar. Riding my bike is my favourite form of exercise.

What are your favourite dental treatments?
Scaling and polishing because nothing is more satisfying than seeing clean white teeth after a round of thorough cleaning.

What are the things that keep you motivated in dentistry?
Helping patients to solve their dental issues keeps me motivated!

Relate some of your most interesting / challenging experiences so far in yr dentistry career
There are too many. Just a word of thanks and seeing that my patients keep coming back to see me for all their dental needs makes me feel appreciated. No particular experiences but these little things are what keeps me going.