Oral Piercing & Your Oral Health

To pierce or not to pierce?

If you are reading this article, you are probably considering getting an oral piercing. It looks cool, doesn’t it? Your friends may have it, many celebrities have it, so why shouldn’t you get one too? After all, it is a form of self-expression and we are living in the 21st century. Well, here are some reasons why you should think twice before making this life changing decision.

What is an oral piercing?
First things first, what exactly is an oral piercing? Essentially, it is a small hole in your tongue, lip, cheek, or uvula – that dangly thing at the back of your throat – for you to wear jewelry.


Harmless as an oral piercing may seem, your mouth is home to multiple types of bacteria, greatly increasing the risk of infections like hepatitis which may quickly become life threatening. Swelling in your tongue may also occur, thus blocking your airway.

Prolonged Bleeding, Inability To Enunciate & Endocarditis

You may experience prolonged bleeding and thus severe blood loss if a major blood vessel is punctured, inability to enunciate because of excessive saliva production, and may lead to endocarditis – the inflammation of your heart’s inner lining.

Effects On Teeth & Gums
Apart from that, you may crack your teeth by biting down on the piercing – which might then require a root canal or extraction; repeated clicking of it against your teeth may cause your teeth to become scratched and sensitive; may cause gum disease; not to mention you could choke on loose pieces of jewelry.

Still want to get an oral piercing?

However, should you still plan on getting an oral piercing despite the potential health hazards or already have one, there are a few things you can do to ensure that you remain as safe as possible. Firstly, keep your mouth as clean as you can by rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash after every meal in addition to brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily. Secondly, change your barbell to a smaller one after the approximately four weeks of healing process to reduce the chance of damage to your teeth and gums. Lastly, do remove your jewelry before playing sports, eating and sleeping.

Also, do not hesitate to visit our Greenlife dentists or a physician if you experience swelling, pain, fever, chills, shaking, or redness around the pierced area – you may have an infection.