When Should I See A Dentist?

Maintaining a healthy smile & optimal oral hygiene goes beyond mere aesthetics and a diligent at-home routine. Regular dental check-ups are a cornerstone of preventive care, ensuring early detection and treatment of potential issues.

If you have ever wondered, “When should I see a dentist?”, you are not alone. Preventive care is the key to good dental healthcare. Which is why regular dental check-up matters.


How often should you visit the dentist?

Dental visit frequency for adults
According to Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2022, it is generally recommended that we make regular dental check-ups at least once in six months for routine preventive care. This allows your dentist to assess your oral health comprehensively and address any emerging concerns (eg. Tooth decay, emerging wisdom tooth etc) before they escalate. These appointments typically include professional cleaning (Scaling and polishing) to remove plaque and tartar build-up, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

However, some may require more frequent visits based on our unique oral health needs. Those with a history of gum disease, a tendency for cavities, or health conditions that may impact oral conditions may benefit from more frequent dental check-ups as determined by your dentist or specialist.

Our dental surgeons are ready to assist you with any dental queries!

Signs for urgent dental visit:

1. Pain or Discomfort

You may have underlying dental issues that require attention if you have persistent toothaches, jaw pain, or discomfort while eating.

2. Changes in Oral Appearance

If you notice any change in the colour of your teeth, the presence of lesions or bumps, or experience persistent bad bread, it is time to schedule a visit to the dentist.

3. Bleeding Gums

If brushing or flossing your teeth causes your gum to bleed, it could be a sign of gingivitis or gum disease. Get them checked to prevent them from getting worse.

4. Sensitivity to Hot or Cold

Tooth decay or enamel erosion can cause increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.

Dental visit frequency for children

Good dental care starts from the young, hence, it is generally a good dental guide that parents take their children for dental check-ups once every 6 months. Besides routine checks for tooth growth and cavities, dentists might recommend a scaling and polishing (sap) treatment or fissure sealant to prevent tooth decay.

Apart from regular dental check-ups, crooked or misaligned teeth are common occurrences in young children. This can be a result of genetics, improper oral habits or an early loss of baby teeth. Thumb-sucking or prolonged use of pacifiers can also be contributing factors.

Identifying the root cause is crucial for developing an early intervention treatment plan tailored to the child’s unique needs. The child’s lifestyle like nutrition and brushing patterns can be closely adapted to ensure they develop good life-long dental and lifestyle habits.

Make an appointment with one of our Paediatric dentists now!

Regular dental check-ups are an investment in your overall health and well-being. Don’t wait for dental issues to escalate, schedule your next appointment today. Maintain your stunning smile with our team of surgeons.